The Calla Lily Florist

Your Personal Florist

1/2 Casket Spray 75 Roses


1/2 Casket Spray 75 Roses


Mixture of 75 roses and greens.  This is a large stunning piece.  We can create this in any color rose available or a mixture of rose colors.  Please specify if you would like a color other than red.  Delivery with in the Duluth Mn/Superior Wi area only.

Please call or email to complete order.  

218.348.8919 or

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Mixture of 75 roses and greens.  This is a large stunning piece.  We can create this in any color rose available or a mixture of rose colors.  Please specify if you would like a color other than red.  Delivery with in the Duluth Mn/Superior Wi area only.

Please call or email to complete order.  

218.348.8919 or